Swords and Software

How to use the C++ STL Priority Queue

By Daniel D'Agostino, 19th January 2013


A priority queue is a queue data structure that has the particular property of being sorted by priority. You can decide what priority to give items depending on the data type - more on this in a minute.

The C++ Standard Template Library (STL) includes a convenient std::priority_queue class template in the queue header file.

A simple priority queue of integers

The following code sample illustrates how to implement a priority queue of integers. The integer value is used by default as a priority. The queue is sorted automatically as new entries are added.

#include <iostream>
#include <queue>

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
	std::priority_queue<int> queue;


	while (!queue.empty())
		std::cout << queue.top() << std::endl;


	return 0;

The output of the above program is as follows:

Press any key to continue . . .

A priority queue with a custom class

In practical situations, it is often not very useful to simply maintain a priority queue of just integers. We often have some particular class, and we want to give each instance a priority (computed based on some internal state).

Let's say we have a class called Toast, composed of a certain amount of bread and butter:

class Toast
	int bread;
	int butter;

	Toast(int bread, int butter)
		: bread(bread), butter(butter)


It is easy to sort integers, but how do you sort Toast? We need to offer C++ a way to compare one Toast instance to another. This is done by creating a structure implementing an operator() and effectively doing a less-than comparison. A StackOverflow question and answer shows how it's done, and the code needed for sorting our Toast is below.

struct ToastCompare
	bool operator()(const Toast &t1, const Toast &t2) const
		int t1value = t1.bread * 1000 + t1.butter;
		int t2value = t2.bread * 1000 + t2.butter;
		return t1value < t2value;

We can now pass the TestCompare class to the priority_queue to tell it how to sort the Toast. Sample code is below.

#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>

#include "Toast.h"

using std::priority_queue;
using std::vector;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
	Toast toast1(2, 200);
	Toast toast2(1, 30);
	Toast toast3(1, 10);
	Toast toast4(3, 1);
	//priority_queue<Toast> queue;
	priority_queue<Toast, vector<Toast>, ToastCompare> queue;


	while (!queue.empty())
		Toast t = queue.top();
		cout << "bread " << t.bread << " butter " << t.butter << std::endl;


	return 0;

If we used the simple priority_queue declaration (the line that is commented out), we would end up with a bunch of errors because of C++ not knowing how to compare the Toast instances.

Instead, we pass three template arguments: the Toast itself, a vector of Toast, and the ToastCompare class to tell C++ how to compare Toast instances. The second template argument (the vector) is there because the C++ STL priority queue is actually a container adapter - it uses an underlying data structure to store elements, and the default is a vector.

The output for the above program is given below:

bread 3 butter 1
bread 2 butter 200
bread 1 butter 30
bread 1 butter 10
Press any key to continue . . .

Further reading